Picture source: https://www.scotthyoung.com/blog/myprojects/mit-challenge-2/
Monday, November 21, 2016
How to learn entire 4-year MIT curriculum for computer science, without taking any classes just in 12 months?
Scott H. Young's MIT Challenge is definitely worth to review. See here for more information: https://www.scotthyoung.com/blog/myprojects/mit-challenge-2/
Sunday, November 20, 2016
The Art of the Finish: How to Go From Busy to Accomplished
Дээрх гарчигтай, нэг ийм сонирхолтой блог пост олж уншив. Доорх хэдэн өгүүлбэр аргагүй анхаарал татах ажээ:
From my experience, the most common trait you will consistently observe in accomplished people is an obsession with completion. Once a project falls into their horizon, they crave, almost compulsively, to finish it. If they’re organized, this might happen in scheduled chunks. If they’re not “like many” this might happen in all-nighters. But they get it done. Fast and consistently.
It’s this constant stream of finishing that begins, over time, to unlock more and more interesting opportunities and eventually leads to their big scores.
If you are productive without harboring this intense desire for completion, you will end up just being busy. We all know the feeling. You work all day off of your to-do list. Everything is organized. Everything is scheduled. Yet, still, months pass with no important projects getting accomplished.
Эх сурвалж / Source:
Cal Newport, The Art of the Finish: How to Go From Busy to Accomplished, 2007, https://www.scotthyoung.com
From my experience, the most common trait you will consistently observe in accomplished people is an obsession with completion. Once a project falls into their horizon, they crave, almost compulsively, to finish it. If they’re organized, this might happen in scheduled chunks. If they’re not “like many” this might happen in all-nighters. But they get it done. Fast and consistently.
It’s this constant stream of finishing that begins, over time, to unlock more and more interesting opportunities and eventually leads to their big scores.
If you are productive without harboring this intense desire for completion, you will end up just being busy. We all know the feeling. You work all day off of your to-do list. Everything is organized. Everything is scheduled. Yet, still, months pass with no important projects getting accomplished.
Эх сурвалж / Source:
Cal Newport, The Art of the Finish: How to Go From Busy to Accomplished, 2007, https://www.scotthyoung.com
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Becoming an Expert: The Elements of Success
FarnamStreet-ийн нийтлэлүүдийг би бээр боломж л гарвал уншиж байдаг юм. Бүтээмжээ хэрхэн өргөх вэ?, хэрхэн цэгцтэй, далайцтай бодож сэтгэх вэ?, хэрхэн төвлөрөх вэ? гэх мэтчилэн асуултуудад хариу олохоор байнга эрэлхийлдэг нь энэ блогийн нэг гойд онцлог. Өнөөдөр 'Becoming an Expert: The Elements of Success' нэртэй нийтлэл хэвлэгдсэн нь бүтээмжийн талаар сүүлийн 10 жилд гарсан бүх сайн номын санааг базаад тавьсан мэт сэтгэгдлийг төрүүлэв. Барбара Өөклийн номон дээр chunking гэсэн ойлголтын талаар тайлбарладаг. Бүхэл бүтэн номыг нь уншсан хэрнээ, дөнгөж сая л учрыг нь ухаж ойлгов, би. Сонин юм шүү. За юутай ч, эргээд дахин дахин уншина, холбоосоор байгаа бүх номыг нь олж уншина гэж төлөвлөөд, 'Becoming an Expert: The Elements of Success' нийтлэлийн холбоосыг энд аваад ирье.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Three Months
The seeds of major software disasters are usually sown in the first three months of commencing the software project. Hasty scheduling, irrational commitments, unprofessional estimating techniques, and carelessness of the project management function are the factors that tend to introduce terminal problems. Once a project blindly lurches forward toward an impossible delivery date, the rest of the disaster will occur almost inevitably.
Одоо үзэж байгаа хичээлийн слайд дунд энэ ишлэл байх аж. Яг ямар номны 120 дахь хуудас болохыг нь гүүглдээд, 3 минутын дотор олж амжсангүй. Юутай ч, үнэний хувьтай санагдсан тул энд аваад ирлээ.
T. Capers Jones, 1988 Page 120
Одоо үзэж байгаа хичээлийн слайд дунд энэ ишлэл байх аж. Яг ямар номны 120 дахь хуудас болохыг нь гүүглдээд, 3 минутын дотор олж амжсангүй. Юутай ч, үнэний хувьтай санагдсан тул энд аваад ирлээ.
Monday, November 7, 2016
Predicting Pregnancy
The first part is easy. Target has a baby shower registry in which pregnant women register for baby gifts in advance of the birth of their children. These women are already Target shoppers, and they’ve effectively told the store that they are pregnant. But here is the statistical twist: Target figured out that other women who demonstrate the same shopping patterns are probably pregnant, too. For example, pregnant women often switch to unscented lotions. They begin to buy vitamin supplements. They start buying extra big bags of cotton balls. The Target predictive analytics gurus identified twenty five products that together made possible a “pregnancy prediction score.” The whole point of this analysis was to send pregnant women pregnancy related coupons in hopes of hooking them as long term Target shoppers.
How good was the model? The New York Times Magazine reported a story about a man from Minneapolis who walked into a Target store and demanded to see a manager. The man was irate that his high school daughter was being bombarded with pregnancy related coupons from Target. “She’s still in high school and you’re sending her coupons for baby clothes and cribs? Are you trying to encourage her to get pregnant?” the man asked. The store manager apologized profusely. He even called the father several days later to apologize again. Only this time, the man was less irate; it was his turn to be apologetic. “It turns out there’s been some activities in my house I haven’t been completely aware of,” the father said. “She’s due in August.” The Target statisticians had figured out that his daughter was pregnant before he did. That is their business . . . and also not their business.
Charles Wheelan, Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data (Kindle Location 4250), 2014, W. W. Norton & Company
How good was the model? The New York Times Magazine reported a story about a man from Minneapolis who walked into a Target store and demanded to see a manager. The man was irate that his high school daughter was being bombarded with pregnancy related coupons from Target. “She’s still in high school and you’re sending her coupons for baby clothes and cribs? Are you trying to encourage her to get pregnant?” the man asked. The store manager apologized profusely. He even called the father several days later to apologize again. Only this time, the man was less irate; it was his turn to be apologetic. “It turns out there’s been some activities in my house I haven’t been completely aware of,” the father said. “She’s due in August.” The Target statisticians had figured out that his daughter was pregnant before he did. That is their business . . . and also not their business.
Charles Wheelan, Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data (Kindle Location 4250), 2014, W. W. Norton & Company
Sell the stock, when....
As a curious side note, researchers have also documented a Businessweek phenomenon. When CEOs receive high profile awards, including being named one of Businessweek’s “Best Managers,” their companies subsequently underperform over the next three years as measured by both accounting profits and stock price. However, unlike the Sports Illustrated effect, this effect appears to be more than reversion to the mean. According to Ulrike Malmendier and Geoffrey Tate, economists at the University of California at Berkeley and UCLA, respectively, when CEOs achieve “superstar” status, they get distracted by their new prominence. They write their memoirs. They are invited to sit on outside boards. They begin searching for trophy spouses. (The authors propose only the first two explanations, but I find the last one plausible as well.) Malmendier and Tate write, “Our results suggest that media induced superstar culture leads to behavioral distortions beyond mere mean reversion.” In other words, when a CEO appears on the cover of Businessweek, sell the stock.
Charles Wheelan, Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data (Kindle Location 1872), 2014, W. W. Norton & Company
Charles Wheelan, Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data (Kindle Location 1872), 2014, W. W. Norton & Company
Saturday, November 5, 2016
The Richest Man in Babylon
Lo, money is plentiful
for those who understand
the simple rules of its acquisition
1. Start thy purse fattening
2. Control thy expenditures
3. Make gold multiply
4. Guard thy treasures from loss
5. Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment
6. Insure a future income
7. Increase thy ability to earn
. . .
Work, thou see, by this, in the time of my greatest distress, didst prove to be my best friend. My willingness to work enabled me to escape from being sold to join the slave gangs upon the walls. It is also impressed thy grandfather, he selected me for his partner.
George S. Clason, The Richest Man in Babylon (pp. 4, 125), 1926, Magdalane Press (2015 Edition)
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